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Austria, Slovenia, Serbia
North Mcedonia And Kosovo

The One Step Further Adventure

presented by Piotr Wojtala

Master Degree in Documentary filmmaking
at Royal Holloway, University of London

Travelling can be understood in many ways.

For some it’s a five star hotel resort, beautiful beaches and a fancy drink …. for others trekking through the mountains and sleeping on a cushion made of a freshly cut grass with a rooftop made out of constellations on a pitch black firmament.

Travelling for me was crossing an invisible border of my own abilities to perform something that is a challenge to my body and mind.  When you are at the top of a 150 meter bungee or in a plane 4 000 meters above the ground you can feel your adrenaline pumping and the blood rushing through your veins.  It was all about that one step further in order to live your life to the limits.  After an accomplishment of the challenge you can grasp that fresh air and feel the energy and positive emotions.  In other words to be finally happy where you are with who you are, which is hard nowadays when everyone seems to be in a rush.  In addition to that there is a feeling like this is where you belong but throughout your life some distractions were pushing you away from that.  I am still on that route to happiness through action sports and travel.  I would like to share it with you so you can find your own path through the 40+ countries (still counting) that I have visited.


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